Basic Grammar
Subject : I , me(object), mine(Pronoun), my(adjctv), am(present), was(past), have(perfect.T)
Subject : You , you(object), yours(Pronoun), our(adjctv), are(present), were(past), have(perfect.T)
Subject : We , us(object), ours(Pronoun), our(adjctv), are(present), were(past), have(perfect.T)
Subject : They , them(object), theirs(Pronoun), their(adjctv), are(present), were(past), have(perfect.T)
Subject : He , him(object), his(Pronoun), his(adjctv), is(present), was(past), has(perfect.T)
Subject : She , her(object), hers(Pronoun), her(adjctv), is(present), was(past), has(perfect.T)
Subject : It , it(object), its(Pronoun), its(adjctv), is(present), was(past), has(perfect.T)
(pronoun digunakan untuk menyebut kepemilikan tanpa diikuti benda.) Contoh: this is mine (ini milikku)
A. Present Tense
A.1 Simple Present Tense (saat ini/kebiasaan)
• Kata bantu untuk subject category “A” adalah “do” ( digunakan pada kalimat negative (-) dan interogative (?) )
• Kata bantu untuk subject category “B” adalah “does” ( digunakan pada kalimat negative (-) dan interogative (?) )
• Kalimat positive pada kategory “B”, selalu ditambah s/es setelah verb (kata kerja)
A : (+) I work fulltime during weekdays
(-) I do not work fulltime during weekdays
(?) Do you work fulltime during weekdays?
B : (+) He works fulltime during weekdays
(-) He does not work fulltime during weekdays
(?) Does he work fulltime during weekdays?
A.2 Simple Present Continuous Tense ( sedang terjadi)
• Verb pada Simple Present Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing
• To be digunakan setelah subject, to be bisa dilihat di table pada kolom “to be present”
A : {+) You are watching TV
(-) You are not watching TV
(?) Are you watching TV?
B : {+) She is watching TV
(-) She is not watching TV
(?) Is she watching TV?
C : {+) I am watching TV
(-) I am not watching TV
(?) Am I watching TV?
A.3 Present Perfect Tense (sudah selesai dilakukan)
• Kata bantu yang digunakan lihat di tabel kolom “perfect tense”
• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3
• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+kata bantu+verb3”
(+) She has gone to school
(-) She has not gone to school
(?) Has she gone to school?
A.4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense (sudah terjadi dan masih berlangsung)
• Kata bantu yang digunakan lehat di tabel kolom “perfect tense”
• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have/has
• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb
(+) We have been waiting here for two hours
(-) We have not been waiting here for two hours
(?) Have we been waiting here for two hours?
B. Past Tense
B.1 Simple Past Tense (lampau)
• Kalimat posotive dalam simple past tense menggunakan verb-2
• Ada verb yang beraturan, ada yang tidak (verb yang tidak beraturan bisa dilihat di kamus kamus B. Inggris atau biasanya tersedia di toko buku, atau yang lebih mudah bisa browsing di internet.
• Verb yang beraturan hanya perlu ditambah”-ed” pada bentuk lampau (Verb-2 dan verb-3)
Verb beraturan: (+) I worked all days last week
(-) I did not work all days last week
(?) Did you work all days last week?
Verb tidak beraturan: (+) They saw me last night
(-) They did not see me last night
(?) Did they see me last night?
B.2 Past Continuous Tense ( lampau dan sedang berlangsung saat itu)
• Verb pada Past Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing
• To be digunakan setelah subject, to be bisa dilihat di table pada kolom “to be past”
{+) I was reading
(-) I was not reading
(?) Were you reading?
B.3 Past Perfect Tense (lampau dan sudah selesai dilakukan)
• Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “had” pada semua subjects
• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3
• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+kata bantu+verb3”
(+) She had come when I was there
(-)She had not come when I was there
(?) Had she come when I was there?
B.4 Past Perfect Continuous Tense
• Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “had” pada semua subjects
• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have/has
• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb
(+) She had been waiting when you came
(-) She had not been waiting when you came
(?) Had she been waiting when you came?
C. Future Tense
C.1 Future Tense (akan terjadi)
• Tambahkan “will” setelah subject
(+) I will go
(-) I will not go
(?) will you go?
Untuk hal yang pasti akan dilakukan bisa gunakan to be going to atau disingkat to be gonna
(+) I am going to go
(-) I am not going to go
(?) Are you going to go?
C.2 Future Continuous Tense ( akan sedang berlangsung)
• Verb pada Future Continuous Tense selalu ditambah –ing
• Tambahkan “will” setelah subject Tambahkan “will + be” setelah subject
{+) She will be missing you
(-) She will not be missing you
(?) Will she be missing you?
C.3 Future Perfect Tense
• Tambahkan “will + have” setelah subject
• Pada present tense jenis ini, gunakan verb-3
• Pola dasar kalimatnya sendiri “subject+will+have+verb3”
(+) He will have finished it tomorrow
(-) He will not have finished it tomorrow
(?) Will he have finished it tomorrow?
C.4 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
• Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah “will+have” pada semua subjects
• Ditambah “been” setelah kata bantu have
• Tambahkan –ing setelah verb
(+) I will have been studying when you come
(-) I will not have been studying when you come
(?) Will you have been studying when I come?
Question Tag (Penegasan)
• Kalimat ditegaskan dengan tense yang berlawanan.
You do not write it, do you? (kamu nggak nulis kan??)
She works hard, doesn’t she? (dia kerja keras kan??)
I am not reading, am I?
Pengecualian I am doing my job, aren’t I? (to be di ganti dengan are untuk subject I dalam kalimat positive dan ditegaskan dengan kalimat negative)
You do not write it, do you? (kamu nggak nulis kan??)
She works hard, doesn’t she? (dia kerja keras kan??)
I am not reading, am I?
Pengecualian I am doing my job, aren’t I? (to be di ganti dengan are untuk subject I dalam kalimat positive dan ditegaskan dengan kalimat negative)
• Untuk Kalimat penegasan yang simpel bisa digunakan kata "huh" yang berarti kan?atau ya kan?
Contoh : You do not write it, huh? (kamu nggak nulis kan??)
NB: Jangan gunain kata "huh" saat ujian ya hehe.. coz itu kata gak baku istilahnya kata gaul di UK.
NB: Jangan gunain kata "huh" saat ujian ya hehe.. coz itu kata gak baku istilahnya kata gaul di UK.
Adj Clause
• That kata sambung untuk semua
• Who kata sambung untuk subject
• Whom kata sambung untuk object
• Whose kata sambung untuk kepemilikan
• Which kata sambung untuk benda
• That kata sambung untuk semua
• Who kata sambung untuk subject
• Whom kata sambung untuk object
• Whose kata sambung untuk kepemilikan
• Which kata sambung untuk benda
I saw the man, he bought a newspaper => I saw the man who bought a newspaper
I like the woman, I met her last night => I like the woman whom I met last night
I apologize to the woman, I spilled her coffee => I apologize to the woman whose coffee I spilled
The book is good, I have read it => The book which I have read is good
I like the woman, I met her last night => I like the woman whom I met last night
I apologize to the woman, I spilled her coffee => I apologize to the woman whose coffee I spilled
The book is good, I have read it => The book which I have read is good
Direct and Indirect Speech (kalimat langsung dan tak langsung)
• Untuk direct – indirect speech, aku agak bingung ngejelasinnya. Jadi yukk.. kita lihat contoh aja langsung…
• Kuncinya, tenses direct yang diubah ke indirect speech naik satu tingkat (present jadi past, past jadi past perfect dalam indirect tidak berlaku perfect tense)
D : “I buy a book” she said
I : She said that she bought a book
D : “I bought a book yesterday” she said
I : She said she had bought a book the day before
D : “I have bought a book” she said
I : She said she had bought a book
D : “Please buy a book” she said
I : She told me to buy a book
D : Don’t buy a book!” she said
I : She told me to buy a book
D : “Do you buy a book?” she asked
I : She asked if/whether I bought a book
D : “What book did you buy?” she asked
I : She wanted to know what book I had bought
Conditional (pengandaian)
A. Type I
Kepastian/bisa jadi nyata (menggunakan present tense)
ex :
If I have time, I’ll go to your party
B. Type II
Tidak mungkin terjadi saat itu (menggunakan tense lampau)
- If + (past tense), subject + would/could + verb
- Subject + would/could + verb, If + (past tense)
ex :
If I had the qualification, I would apply for the job
The fact that I don’t have the qualification so it is useless fo me to apply for the job
If I were a president, I would use my prerogative to against RUU pornography ... hehe :D *kidding
The fact that I am not a president so I have no that kinda right
NB : tidak dikenal “was”, selalu gunakan “were” untuk semua subjects.
• Untuk direct – indirect speech, aku agak bingung ngejelasinnya. Jadi yukk.. kita lihat contoh aja langsung…
• Kuncinya, tenses direct yang diubah ke indirect speech naik satu tingkat (present jadi past, past jadi past perfect dalam indirect tidak berlaku perfect tense)
D : “I buy a book” she said
I : She said that she bought a book
D : “I bought a book yesterday” she said
I : She said she had bought a book the day before
D : “I have bought a book” she said
I : She said she had bought a book
D : “Please buy a book” she said
I : She told me to buy a book
D : Don’t buy a book!” she said
I : She told me to buy a book
D : “Do you buy a book?” she asked
I : She asked if/whether I bought a book
D : “What book did you buy?” she asked
I : She wanted to know what book I had bought
Conditional (pengandaian)
A. Type I
Kepastian/bisa jadi nyata (menggunakan present tense)
ex :
If I have time, I’ll go to your party
B. Type II
Tidak mungkin terjadi saat itu (menggunakan tense lampau)
- If + (past tense), subject + would/could + verb
- Subject + would/could + verb, If + (past tense)
ex :
If I had the qualification, I would apply for the job
The fact that I don’t have the qualification so it is useless fo me to apply for the job
If I were a president, I would use my prerogative to against RUU pornography ... hehe :D *kidding
The fact that I am not a president so I have no that kinda right
NB : tidak dikenal “was”, selalu gunakan “were” untuk semua subjects.
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